School Dinners
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From September 2014, all Key Stage 1 aged children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will be eligible for Free School Meals under the Universal Free School Meal Scheme. Historically, children who have been eligible for Free School Meals have also received additional funding for their education called Pupil Premium Funding. Due to this link between Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Funding, it is important that all Key Stage 1 pupils who meet the criteria to claim Free School Meals (regardless of UIFSM) are registered in order for schools to receive the Pupil Premium funding.
The basis on which Pupil Premium funding is calculated will not be affected by the introduction of UIFSM. However, it is important that all Key Stage 1 pupils who meet the criteria to claim Free School Meals (regardless of UIFSM) are registered in order for schools to receive the Pupil Premium funding.
Applying for Pupil Premium
Firstly, parents/ carers must check the eligibility criteria for Free School Meals/ Pupil Premium. If in receipt of the necessary benefits, details of which can be found on the Council's website; parents or carers must then complete an application form.
From 01 July, the 'Free Schools Meals Application Form' has been revised and renamed as the Application for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Form (please see the link below). Parents/carers can now complete one application for all of their children – whether it is for Free School Meals (Year 3 and above) or for their child’s school to receive Pupil Premium only. (KS1).
As happens currently, the entitlement of all Free School Meals claimants (and Pupil Premium claimants from September 2014) will be checked and verified weekly by Cornwall Council’s School Meals Team. This is undertaken using the DfE’s Eligibility Checking Service, which only local authorities are able to access. If entitlements for KS1 pupils changes, they will still be entitled to claim UIFSM until they transfer up to KS2, at which point the entitlement to receive a free school meal will cease.
Transferring from KS1 to KS2
Entitlement to UIFSM ceases once a child transfers from Year 2 to Year 3. However, if the parent/carer has previously been successful in their application for Pupil Premium, entitlement to Free School Meals will automatically continue once the child enters Year 3.
School provided school dinners have to adhere to a number of Government regulations and guidelines. To bring the standard of packed lunches brought in from home in line with these guidelines and to fit in with our healthy schools ethos, we have a Packed Lunch policy which gives guidance about what can and cannot be brought into school for children's packed lunches. We do not wish to be overly strict or unreasonable as to what parents can provide their children with for lunch but we seek to ensure that each child makes sensible food choices and has a balanced diet. We will, of course, take into consideration any food intolerances and allergies but do expect all parents to adhere to our policy (please click on the link below for further information).